Page:The Examination and Confession of certain Witches at Chelmsford in the County of Essex.djvu/50

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The Examination

came againe with a beane pod in his mouth, and then the queenes atturney aſked what that was, and ſo the other Juſtices declared, and then ſhee ſayde my lorde I ſaide in the name of Jeſus what haſt thou there, and ſo then he laid it downe and ſaide I ſpake euil wordes and departed and came agayne by and by with a pece of breade in his mouth, and I aſked hym what he wold haue, and he ſayde butter it was that he wold haue, and ſo he departed, and my lord I dyd not ſee hym noo more tyll wenſeday laſte, whiche was the xxiiii day of July, why ſaid the quenes atturneye was he with the on Wenſeday laſt, ye ſhe ſaid, what did he then to thee ſayde he, my lorde ſaide ſhee he came with a knyfe in his mouthe and aſked me if I were not dead, and I ſaide No I thanked God, and then hee ſayde if I wolde not dye that hee wold thruſt his knife to my harte but he wold make me