Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/113

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between us. I will myself seek his forgiveness: what he grants, I will joyfully receive; that which he may inflict, I will patiently bear.' — Thus should it be, where there is love between a Father and his child. Thus it is between God and man, as Jesus showed when he declared that there was no need of intercession with God. Hearken to his words: 'I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you; for the Father himself loveth you[1].' I trust our friend Aza feels that no intercessor is needed between the mourner and Him who causes mourning; — and if not here on earth, why hereafter, when we shall be drawn yet nearer to God?

Let us go, said Havilah, and comfort Aza, as I have been wont to comfort him, with the truth that according to the thoughts of the heart and the deeds of the hands shall man be judged. In this the Christians and the Faithful alike believe; and in this may they who mourn the innocent have confidence, and be consoled.

When Havilah and Eber drew near the place of tombs, they saw that Aza had risen from the ground; and though his head was bowed as he sat in the shade, his countenance was calm, so that they feared not to approach. The child

  1. John xvi. 26, 27.