Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/115

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As Eber aud Havilah passed along the street, they heard voices of wailing from a dwelling which had been the abode of Nathan the Jew.

Nathan is dead, said Havilah; and in this place, where he has so often stilled the cries of the sorrowful, their mourning is renewed because he has departed. Tears now are shed abundantly where he scattered blessings, and gloom has descended on many souls to whom his eye was as a light in the midst of darkness. Behold how sorrowful are the faces of the poor who come to his door to pray for help for themselves, as they have often prayed for blessings on him! There shall be mourning in all the city for him this day, though he was an Infidel.

Eber replied: The young men came to learn wisdom of Nathan, and even the fathers of the people sought his counsel. O that I had en-