Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/184

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come when the will of the Father of men shall be better understood.

What shall then be done?

Then, said Eber, shall that gate stand wide for men to go to and fro, as if they were indeed the guardian angels one of another. Instead of the warlike trumpet, there shall be the holier music of praise to God, and joy among men. The ways where the war-horses have this day left their track shall be trodden by the feet of those who go forth, not thirsting for the blood of men, but rather for the glory of God; not praying for vengeance, but rather for mercy on their enemies. Instead of fear, they shall cause hope to spring up around them wherever they turn: in stead of inflicting anguish, they shall offer peace; and shall give liberty to the soul, instead of bondage to the limbs. Where they are present, tears shall be dried up, groans shall be hushed, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Nay, said Aza, then would yonder gate be the entrance of Paradise ; for what greater good has Paradise than that which thou hast said?

Havilah answered, There remains over all in Paradise 'the superabundant recompense' of which Mohammed spoke, and for which Eber hopes as well as I.