Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/12

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pledged, the exigencies of our politics and the interest of our industry and our commerce make it our duty to march on Mexico, to plant there boldly our standard, to establish there—a monarchy if it is not incompatible with the national sentiment of the country—but at all events a government which possesses some stability."

This was dated July 3, 1862.

A righteous determination to err on the side of strict neutrality, if at all, was prominent in the considerations that induced Mr. Lincoln to avoid taking part in the speculative debates bearing on the situation; and he must have been rudely startled by the propositions made on July 10, 1863, by the Assembly of Notables in the city of Mexico, summoned by General Almonte's triple-headed regency. It was with a painful sentiment, unfavorable to a good understanding between France and the United States, that the people of the latter country heard of the adoption of a decision previously arrived at in Paris. The propositions submitted to that Assembly were these:

First. The Mexican nation adopts a monarchical, temperate, and hereditary form of government, under a Catholic Prince.

Second. The sovereign shall take the title of Emperor of Mexico.

Third. The imperial crown of Mexico shall be offered to his Imperial and Royal Highness the