Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/128

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apparently silenced his scruples, and he acquiesced. It was agreed, however, that when every thing was ready and the Foreign Legion out of the way, the city should be turned over to the remaining officials of the civil government who should then open the gates.

In the meantime Captains Aynesley and Roe had sent joint word off to the "Tabasco" and to the schooner to disarm, which was promptly done, their guns being hoisted out into a lighter. The "Tacony" also shifted her berth farther out to the northward to avoid the pestilential air from the infected castle. In her new position she still commanded the city landing, and the port forward gun, which had been transported to the starboard side when in danger of being fired at from San Juan, was shifted back in place, and the starboard after gun moved to reinforce the port battery, and increase the weight of fire in the direction of the city

Early the next morning the Foreign Legion, having been paid in full, was marched down to the landing, and boats from the men-of-war, supplemented by those of the town, were at hand ready to take them off to the "Tabasco." Just as they were about to embark, Mr. Saulnier, who, with his usual energy, was there, discovered that these soldiers still retained their arms and evidently did not intend to relinquish them. To allow such a troop to go to sea