Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/135

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in the offing, and as the flag-ship "Susquehanna" was expected daily, the navigating officer of the "Tacony" was sent out to put his well-acquired knowledge of the ground at the disposal of the captain to bring her in, the pilots being such that no great reliance could be placed on their professional skill. It proved to be not the "Susquehanna," however, nor any vessel of the Gulf Squadron, but the U.S. Revenue Cutter "Wilderness," bringing the wife and family of President Juarez back to their beloved country after a long exile in the United States. Early in June, Mr. Seward had expressed a desire to Mr. Romero to place a government vessel at the disposal of that lady to carry her to Mexico. The offer had been gratefully accepted, and in obedience to instructions from the Hon. Hugh M'Culloch, Secretary of the Treasury, who gladly acquiesced in the wishes of the Secretary of State, the "Wilderness," was put in readiness for that pleasant duty, and every effort made to ensure the comfort of the august party.

The day after her arrival Señora Juarez was escorted to the shore by the naval boats amid the tumultuous ringing of bells, displaying of flags, and booming of cannon. And it is perhaps safe to say that that last act of courtesy on the part of Mr. Seward resounded gratefully in the hearts of many Mexicans who had continued to