Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/33

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destiny that awaited him at Metz, accomplished by a military blunder of the same nature, or by actions very much more unpardonable in the opinion of his brother officers. Both were tried by military courts, and both sentenced to be shot; but only in the case of the well-meaning but misguided young Prince was the sentence carried out.

The French army sailed, and many miles of territory and many thousands of relentless enemies now separated Maximilian from the coast; but the "Elizabeth" remained, watching events and waiting orders. While probably sharing the indignation felt by most Austrians at the way in which the French emperor had deserted their Archduke, Captain Gröller showed no signs of being aware that direct pressure had been brought by the United States government in the matter, and although he did not hold very frequent intercourse with any of the naval officers present, his attitude toward the Americans was always friendly, and before parting company he had cause to hold their commander in high esteem.

The existing status of Mexican affairs was soon learned by our friends in the "Tacony." The last of the French army, over thirty thousand strong, .

    authority of Bazaine, for the purchase of six thousand muskets and four million percussion caps; and if I had desired it he would have sold me both guns and powder." This is evidently the letter referred to in Le Nouveau Monde of October 9, 1886, extracts from which appeared in American papers.