Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/36

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now to be a foregone conclusion that the Imperialist cause would come to a speedy end, the capitulation of Vera Cruz was but a question of time, and the interests of all concerned would evidently be best served by bringing that about as promptly as possible. While possibly not expressing himself exactly it the words of Macbeth, Captain Roe soon became actuated by the thought that "if it were done, when 't is done, then 't were well if it were done quickly." And he bent all his energies towards hastening the apparently inevitable.

One of the first steps towards this would be to open communication with the Liberal forces, having already free intercourse with the Imperialist authorities. In this he was met more than half way by General Barranda, who was in immediate command of the investing army, under the department commander, General Benavides, an officer of distinction who, during our civil war, served in the Army of the Potomac under General McClellan. A couple of days after the "Tacony's" arrival the former sent word off that he would like to communicate, and was answered that Captain Roe would be glad to have him do so, and would accommodate himself to any arrangement he might be pleased to make. So on the morning of the 3d of April the General came on board, bearing polite messages from Benavides. This introductory visit was one principally of compliment and courtesy to