ual countrymen. Captain Gröller's orders, of the "Elizabeth" were generally known to be of a more personal nature in regard to the Archduke Maximilian, and it was regretted that he had not accepted the invitation to be present, as he, more than others, might have dubious feelings toward the American man-of-war.
There was some little amusement during this meeting, at the expense of the Spanish captain, who apparently could not be made to understand what it was all about. "Try him in Greek, Pritzbuer," they cried, when he had exhausted the resources of almost all European languages; but it was all in vain, and that gallant officer probably does not know to this day what he was called on board the "Jason" for.
By this rather unconventional proceeding. Captain Roe gained the point of allaying any suspicions that might exist as to the "Tacony's" true mission, and it was felt that if the emergency arose they would all be in perfect accord in whatever action might be deemed necessary.
The customary routine of a man-of-war was soon established,—regular drills, with occasional target practice, boats periodically called away "armed and equipped," and preparations made for sending off a small expeditionary force. Bathing parties also went frequently to one of the islands to enjoy the luxury that the sharks forbade at the anchor-