Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/54

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white cord which was said to contain a golden thread; a similar cord was to be found in every camp of the Mexican national army; and it was held up with a half-savage ferocity that indicated a long-sworn purpose should the destroyer of their country's peace fall into their hands. Those desperate soldiers might hold small counsel with laws of war or rights of prisoners, and the power of the Juarist government to resist a popular outburst of fury could hardly be relied on to guarantee a fair trial or humane treatment.

Mr. Seward, after the interview with Count Wydenbruck, had telegraphed to Mr. Campbell, the Minister to Mexico, and at that time in New Orleans, to communicate promptly and by effectual means to President Juarez the desire of the United States government "that, in case of capture, the Prince and his supporters may receive the humane treatment accorded by civilized nations to prisoners of war." News of this having been done did not reach Vera Cruz until the 2d of May, when the usual mail steamer came in, and Captain Roe, who had occasion on the following day to visit Camp Casa Mata (for no less a purpose than to arrange terms of capitulation on the part of Señor Bureau), learned that no knowledge of such correspondence had reached the army. It was hardly to be supposed that it would be made public, but still, in the fear that some disaster or accident might