Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/81

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of the tottering Empire, stating that he came under American protection. No immediate answer was given, but a council of war was called, which met at ten that evening in the City Hall, and it was there decided not to allow the general to land. He had overreached himself in asserting that the American government sustained him. The opinions emitted were practically unanimous, even those who favored his claims personally rejecting the idea of fighting with American soldiers against the cause they were then upholding. General Taboada, commanding all the military forces in the city, said that the arrival of Santa Ana, under American protection, had aggravated the situation; his duty as a soldier was to defend the Imperial government even to the shedding of the last drop of his blood, and if the decision should be to accept the new proposals, he would resign his command and go abroad. Don Eduardo Soudriet, Lieut.-Colonel of the City Guards, said that so soon as Santa Ana should land at the head of American soldiers, his command was at an end. Lieutenant-Colonel Jorge Murcia said that General Santa Ana held the hearts of the garrison as a leader in the War of Independence, but that he (Murcia) could not agree to his bringing American soldiers there. Don Eduardo Figuerero, Colonel of the Vera Cruz cavalry, stated that he highly esteemed General Santa Ana, but he rejected the idea of fighting against the Empire with soldiers brought