Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/83

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disposed at such a late day to disavow Juarez, or that it would give countenance to such filibusterism. In this, the commander cordially agreed with him. It is not probable that either of them knew of the application to Mr. Seward for material and moral assistance, or of his declining to listen to such overtures; but they were well aware of the general's turbulent character, and the subversive effect of his partisanship on any cause that he espoused; and they certainly knew that such an extraordinary step would never have been taken by the United States government without notification of it having reached them. So not for an instant did they put any faith in such assertions.

The "Tacony" had now stayed several days longer than prudence dictated, in view of the shortness of her rations and the passage to Pensacola. But all the consuls, as well as General Benavides, begged Roe to hold on a little longer; even the Imperial governor earnestly requested him to wait a few days, urging that in case of opposition by the Foreign Legion to his effecting a surrender, he would have to call upon the American and English ships to come up and support the movement mutually agreed upon by him and the Liberal general.

Although Santa Ana was kept on board the "Virginia," The members of his staff frequently went on shore and great popular excitement ensued. Those officers played their cards so well that it was finally