Page:The Fall of Maximilan's Empire.djvu/86

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for an order, which, if not obeyed voluntarily, would be enforced. At the same time two of the English seamen advanced in a threatening manner. One of the general's aides then came up to him and said in a low tone that it would be most prudent for him to take his arm and get into the boat rather than let the men lay hands upon him. So, without active violence, but under certain compulsion, the old firebrand was induced to go into the "Jason's" cutter, accompanied by his interpreter and body-servant, and was taken on board the "Tacony."

There every civility was shown him, and the cabin placed at his disposal. This was not appreciated very highly, however, and the state of his mind was shown by the following conversation with his unexpected host.[1]

Commander.—General, here you have my room, where you will be comfortable, and you can ask for what you want.

General.—Thank you. Commander; but I wish to know first why you took me forcibly from the "Virginia" and prevented me from going ashore as I intended? Without being at war, why have you taken me prisoner?

Commander.—No, General, you are not a prisoner. I wished to spare the shedding of blood in Vera Cruz, when enough has been shed in the country-already.

  1. Dialogue certified to by Edward Gottlieb, interpreter.