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As in the year of Seventy-six, when rose
Our ancestors, so here in Thirty-six
The aged sire, the yoeman and the youth,
Whoe'er can wield a musket or a sword,
Are seen to hasten to the gathering-place,
While on the country's altar lay the women
Their cherished jewelry and e'en their tresses.


Oh, hail this day, that yet my eyes have seen,
My ears have heard the fresh-awakened spirit
Of Liberty! Yes, Texas will be free!


She will, she will, though only through a struggle
Than which no greater saw this century.
Three thousand soldiers, well-equipped and drilled,
The grim Urrea leads from Matamoras
'Gainst Goliad, which gallant Fannin holds
With scarce four hundred of our patriots.
While Santa Anna, with twelve thousand men.
Lies here encamped, with many more to come.
For 't is his safety not to leave behind
A single man, to oust him from his power.
Yet also we are not devoid of help;
Beside our yoemen, dwellers on our soil,
Our cause enlists a hearty sympathy
In the United States, whence many thousands
Are on their way, to join our army's ranks.