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Wherewith we shall bombard the Alamo.
For every hour we forfeit means a year
Of vigor added to the rebel cause.
Two hours from hence I give, when must our guns
Boom o'er this land the death-knell of the hopes
Of Texan Liberty and Independence.
Haste, haste! thy fate, our fate is staked upon
The speedy downfall of the Alamo.

[Exit Cos. Santa Anna again paces the room in deep meditation.]

One, one more item added to thy debit;
Bradburn! beware! thou standest at the brink
Of bankruptcy, with my revenge for sheriff.
Know'st what that means? Thou mayst as well expect
Compassion from a tiger and beseech
A serpent's tender mercy, if thou durst
Deceive and mock whom with impunity
None ever mocked. Full to the margin's brim
Thy balance is. Let it not overflow!

Scene IV.

Enters Colonel Almonte.

Santa Anna.

What now, Almonte? hast thou faithfully
Performed the mission I assigned to thee?