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A radiant glow and thrilled with grateful warmth
E'en from afar my writhing, death-chilled heart.
'T must thus have been, when first the smile of God
With quickening breath beamed on chaotic realms;
Thus it will be, when from the shades of grave
We first emerge into our Maker's presence.
And with that light there came a melody
Into my ear as of an angel-choir,
So sweet, so soothing and so comfort-fraught,
That, as at times we feel a healing draught
Pervade our veins with instantaneous cure,
So, so, forthwith these gentle accents poured
Into my heart a current of relief.
That soothed its pangs and calmed its agitation.
Then, for a while, the charming apparition
Withdrew from me, but as the setting sun
Behind him leaves the purple-glow of eve
And peace serene,—my feelings so remained
Inspired with joy and radiant hopefulness.
While thus I lay, as in a trance enchanted,
A glaring light broke on my slumb'ring eye;
A fairy-vision stood my bed beside,
Who spoke to me with strength-infusing voice:
"Awake, James Travis, rise and follow me!"
Through long and vaulted corridors we went,
Until at last a frowning, narrow way.
Through which we passed, meseemed for many hours,
Has safely brought me to the arms of him