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That, Travis, is the just and only way.


No doubt it is! yet while the radiant fire
Of patriotism casts heavenward its flame,
We ought to foster it and have a care,
That everyday-life's little interests
Not quench the once-awakened stir of hearts.
This to achieve, what agent is so strong.
So universal as the power of Song?
Like as a lusty eagle, bold and fierce.
By it the soul will soar to heavenly spheres,
Like as a tempest, so this God-sent dower
Will swell our hearts with all-resistless power.
Hence, countrymen, intune with deep-felt glee
The stirring " Hymn of Texan Liberty,"
And bear it home and spread it through the lands.
Where'er a homestead lies, a cottage stands,
And where you be, together or alone,
Let rise your hearts on its inspiring tone.
Rise, freemen, rise! your watchword be:
"For Texas and her Liberty!"

[During the whole progress of this scene more and more Texan Volunteers have quietly entered the room.which is now filled with them to its utmost capacity. Rising from benches on which they have taken their seats, they now intune]