Page:The Father Confessor, Stories of Danger and Death.djvu/330

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She moved uneasily, as though in pain. The man passed his hand downward over her face.

"Tell her," he said slowly, "tell her you will come. Tell her you will be strong and cast the chains from about you that are killing' you. Tell her you were young, and had no knowledge of what life was when you left her. Tell her that as an inexperienced girl you thought all nobleness dwelt in a body that God had made strong and beautiful above other men, how you left everything you held dear for his sake. But now, disillusioned, loveless, a woman who has suffered, you are going back to her again." He paused a moment, and continued with an effort: "Tell her that there is one who loves you as his own soul, one who you could not care for long ago. Tell her you love him now, and that he will shield you from all misfortunes, and take you away from suffering. Tell her, tell her."

Nora pressed her hands together, as though in great pain. "I cannot tell her that," she said, "I cannot tell her that."

The man drew his breath in with a sob.

"No, of course not; I was mad. Be calm. Tell her you will go home alone."