Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/275

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Genus PYCTORHIS Hodgson, 1844.

This genus is peculiar to India, Burma and Siam and, if one includes Moupinia pœcilotis Verreaux, to China.

It is characterized by a very short, deep bill without a notch and with oval and exposed nostrils; the tail is long and well graduated, the outermost feathers being about half the length of the central ones.

This genus was very well worked out by Harington, with whose conclusions I am in complete accord, but yet another geographical race named by Ticehurst must be added to the number.

Key to Species and Subspecies.

Bill black; forehead plain rufous.
Nostrils yellow.
Upper parts paler
P. sinensis sinensis, p. 233.
Upper parts darker and richer
P. s. saturatior, p. 234.
Nostrils black
P. s. nasalis, p. 235.
Bill yellowish brown; forehead blackish with grey margins.
Upper plumage reddish brown.
Chin, throat and upper breast whitish
P. altirostris altirostris, p. 235.
Chin, throat and upper breast grey
P. a. griseigularis, p. 236.
Upper plumage earthy-brown, chin and throat white
P. a. scindicus, p. 237.

Fig. 42.—Head of P. s. sinensis.

(234) Pyctorhis sinensis sinensis.

The Indian Yellow-Eyed Babbler.

Parus sinensis, Gmel., S. N., i, p. 1012 (1788) (Sina) (China).
Pyctorhis sinensis. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 137.

Vernacular names. Gal-chasm or Bulal-chasm (Hind., South); Bara-podna (Hind., N.W.P.); Yerra Kali-iitta (Tel.).

Description. Whole upper plumage, ear-coverts and sides of the neck rufescent brown, changing to cinnamon on the exposed parts of the wing-quills; lores, a short eyebrow, the eyelids, chin, throat, cheeks and breast pure white; abdomen, vent, flanks and under tail-coverts pale fulvous; tail faintly cross-rayed.

Colours of soft parts. Iris pale lemon-yellow to brightest golden;