Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/384

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3-10 TIMALIIDÆ.. Key to Snhsitecies. A. Upper paits gi'eeni:^li, more or less iiiHiked with black tVoiu ciown to rump, the bases of the feathers [p. 340. showing through as greenish .... yE. tiphki (if/n'a, J breeding, B. Whole upper plumage from crown to rump black, bases showing nnuliicolot [p- 342. through as bright yellow JE. t. '^te^onhu, S breiding, C. Upper parts mostly black but with a great deal of yellow showing througli, especially on nape JE. t. humei, (5 breeding, p. 312. 1). Above rather dark yellowish green, [p. 341. tail black AH. t. tiphia, J non-breeding, E. Above a still darker shade, tail [p. 342. black AH. t. zcylonica, S non-breedinu", F. Above paler, more yellowish, tail [p. 343. greon . .^l.o^Ok . . . AH. t. humei, c5' non-breeding, [G. Above greenish yellow uE. t. fiphia, 2 , p. 341. ^'s o i'U,>4er (i" 4 •/ on  ?• ^^^^'^ darker greenish yE. t. zm^hmui, $ , p. 342. ia,,i i^re- u-^ Above very pale dull greenish ty,jr,crr> I yellow . .' AH. t. humei, $ , p. 342. ylH. t. scapularift is the Javan form which is probably the same as those from Sumatra, Borneo aud South Malaya. Birds from Siam, Cochin China and further east are very richly coloured and oranc;e below, whilst those from Annam are again somewhat different, the females being very grey on the breast and flanks.

Fig. 64.—Head of Æ. t. tiphia.

(362) ^githina tiphia tiphia.

The Common Iora.

Motacilla tiphia Linn., S. N., p. 186 (1758) (Bengal).
^^(jHhina tiphia. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 230.

Vernacular names. Shoxihiga or Slwuhigi (Hind.); Patsu-jitfa (Tel.); Fachapora (Tam.); Cha-tttk, Taphilca, Fatickja-tonfik (Beng.); Barsat-Soivti (Assamese); Daotisha gtirrmo gadeba (Cachari); Inga-rimia (Kacha Naga); Vohjong pong (Mikir); tShive-pi-so (Burmese).

Description. — Male hreeding. Lores, forehead, crown, back, upper tail-coverls and iail black, the bases of the feathers yellow- green and showing through on the back; rump green; wings black with tAO wide bars of white, formed by the median coverts and tips of greater; edges of inner secondaries white; outer 'L-Cc^^ LtC-^. ^/^ ilJ^:uz^^ / S'^T.^'^ ^^^^ ^-^ ^^^., -^-^ ^^