Page:The Federal and state constitutions v3.djvu/632

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Trees of the Diameter of Twenty Four Inches and vpwards of Twelve Inches from the ground growing vpon any soyle or Tract of Land within Our said Province or Territory not heretofore granted to any private persons And Wee doe restraine and forbid all persons whatsoever from felling cutting or destroying any such Trees without the Royall Lycence of Vs Our Heires and Successors first had and obteyned vpon penalty of Forfeiting One Hundred Pounds sterling vnto Ous Our Heires and Successors for every such Tree soe felled cutt or destroyed without such Lycence had and[1] obteyned in that behalfe any thing in these presents conteyned to the contrary in any wise NotwithstandingIn Witnesse whereof Wee have caused these our Letters to be made PatentsWitnesse Ourselves att Westminster the Seaventh Day of October in the Third years of Our Reigne

By Writt of Privy Scale


Pro Fine in Hanaperio quadragint Marcas

J. Trevor C. S.
W. Rawlinson C. S.
G. Hutchns C. S.[2]


GEORGE by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland king Defender of the Faith &cTo all to whom these Presents shall come GreetingWhereas Our late Royal Predecessors William and Mary King and Queen of England &cDid by their letters Patents under their Great Seal of England bearing Date at Westminster the Seventh day of October in the Third year of their Reign for themselves their Heires and Successors Vnite Erect and Incorporate the Territories and Colonies commonly called or known by the Names of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay and Colony of New Plymouth the Province of Main the Territory called Accada or Nova Scotia and all that Tract of land lying between the said Territorys of Nova Scotia and the said Province of Main into One Reall Province by the Name of Our Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New EnglandAnd Whereas their said late Majesties King William and Queen Mary did by the said recited letters Patents (amongst other things therein contained) for themselves their Heires and Successors Ordain and Grant that there should and might be Convened held and kept by the Governor for the time being upon every last Wednesday in the Month of May every year forever and at all such other times as the Governor of their said Province should think fitt and Appoint a Great and Generall Court or Assembly which said Great and Generall Court or Assembly should Consist of the Governour and Council or Assistants for the time being and of

  1. “or” in reprint, supra.
  2. Sir John Trevor, Sir William Rawlinson, and Sir George Hutchins were appointed lords commissioners of the great seal May 15, 1690; and were succeeded by Lord Somers as chancellor May 3, 1693.
  3. The Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay,…Published by the General Court. Boston, T. B. Wait and Co., 1814. 38–40. The date of the charter is August 26 [O. S.] September 26 [N. S.] 1725.