Page:The Federal and state constitutions v5.djvu/228

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North Carolina—1663

Anthony, Lord Ashley, chancellor of his majesty’s exchequer, Sir George Carteret, knight and baronet, vice-chamberlain of his majesty’s household, William Berkeley, knight, and Sir John Colleton, knight and baronet, and all that territory or tract of ground with the islands and islets situate, lying, and being in his dominions in America, extending from the north end of the island called Lucke Island, which lieth in the Southern Virginia sea, and within 36 degrees of the northern latitude, and to the west as far as the South seas, and so southwardly as far as the river St. Matthias, which bordereth upon the coast of Florida, and within —— degrees of the northern latitude; in pursuance of which grant, and with a clear and good intention to make those parts useful and advantageous to his majesty and his people; we do hereby declare and propose to all his majesty’s loving subjects wheresoever abiding or residing, and do hereby engage inviolably to perform and make good those ensuing proposals in such manner as the first undertakers of the first settlement shall reasonable desire.

1. If the first colony will settle on Charles River near Cape Fear, which seems to be desired, it shall be free for them to do so on the larboard side entering [south side]. If in any other of the territory, then to choose either side, if by a river; we reserving to ourselves twenty thousand acres of land, to be bounded and laid out by our agents in each settlement, in such places as they shall see fit, and in such manner that the colony shall not be thereby incommoded or weakened; which we intend by our agents or assignees in due time to settle and plant, they submitting to the government of that colony.

2. That the first colony may have power, when desired, at their own charge to fortify the entrance of the river, as also the sea-coast and island; they engaging to be true and faithful to his majesty, his heirs and successors, by some oath or engagement of their own framing.

3. That the undertakers of that settlement do, before they or any of them repair thither to settle, present to us thirteen persons of those that intend to go, of which number we shall commissionate one to be Governor, for three years from the date of his commission, and six more of the thirteen to be of his council, the major part of which number, the Governor or his deputy to be one, to govern for the time aforesaid; and will also nominate successors to the Governor, who shall be of the six councillors aforesaid, to succeed in the government, in case of death or removal; and likewise councillors out of the remaining six of the thirteen to succeed in case of death or removal of any of the councillors, and after the expiration of the first three years, and so successively for every three years. Upon or before the 25th day of March, before the expiration of the time of the Governor in, being a new presentment by the freeholders of the colony, or by such persons as they shall constitute, to be made of the thirteen persons, four of which shall consist of those that shall be in the government at the time of the election of the thirteen, out of which we will, upon or before the 10th day of April following declare and commissionate a Governor and six councillors with their respective successors in case and manner as aforesaid.

4. We shall, as far as our charter permits us, empower the major part of the freeholders, or their deputies or assembly-men, to be