Page:The Federal and state constitutions v5.djvu/232

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North Carolina—1665

present (untill our seale comes) sealed and syned make choice of twelve Deputyes or representatives from amongst themselves whoe being chosen are to joyne with him the sd Governor and Councill for the makeing of such Lawes Ordinances and Constitutions as shalbe necessary for the present good and welfare of the severall Countyes aforesd but as soone as Parishes Divisions tribes or districc̄ons of ye said Countyes are made that then ye Inhabitants or Freeholders of the sevll and respective Parishes Tribes Divisions or Districc̄ons of the Countyes aforesd doe (by our writts under our Seale wch wee Ingage shalbe in due time issued) annually meete on ye first day of January and chuse freeholders for each respective denizon Tribe or parish to be ye Deputyes or representatives of ye same, which body of Representatives or ye Majr parte of them shall wth the Governor and Councill aforesd by ye Genll Assembly of the County for which they shalbe chosen, the Governor or his Deputy being present unless they shall wilfully refuse in wch case they may appoint themselves a president during the absence of the Governor or his Deputy Governor.

Which Assemblyes are to have power.

1. Item To appoint their own times of meeting and to adjorne their sessions from time to time to such times and places as they shall thinke Convenient as alsoe to ascertaine ye Number of their Quorum Provided that such members be not less than ye third pte of the whole in whome or more shalbe ye full power of the Generall Assembly (vizt)

2. Item To enact and make all such Lawes Acts and Constitutions as shalbe necessary for the well Government of ye County for wch they shalbe chosen and them to repeale provided that the same be consonant to reason and as near as they may be conveniently agreable to the Lawes and Customes of his Majties Kingdom of England provided alsoe that they be not against ye Interest of us the Lords Propryators our heires or assignes nor any of these our present concessions Espetially that they be not against the Article for Liberty of Contience abovemenc̄oned, which Lawes &c soe made shall receave publication from the Governor and Councill (but as the Lawes of us and our Genll Assembly) and be in force for the space of one yeare and a halfe and noe more; Unless contradicted by the Lords Propryators within which time thay are to be presented to us our heries, &c, for our ratification and being confirmed by us they shalbe in continuall force till expired by their owne Limitac̄on or by Act of Repeale in like manner as aforesd to be passed and confirmed;

3. Item by act as aforesd to constitute all Courts for their respective Countyes, together wth ye Lymitts powers and jurisdicc̄ons of ye said Courts as also ye severall offices & Number of Officers belonging to each of the sd respective Courts together with their severall and respective salleryes fees and perquisites Theire appellations and dignities with the penalltyes that shalbe due to them for breach of their severall and respective dutyes and Trusts.

4. Item by act as aforesd to ley equall taxes and assessments equally to rayse Moneyes or goods upon all Lands (excepting the lands of us the Lords Propryators before setling) or persons within the severall precincts Hundreds Parishes Manōrs or whatsoever other denizons shall hereafter be made and established in ye said Countyes as oft as necessity shall require and in such manner as to them shall seeme most equall and easye for ye sd Inhabitants in order to the better