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North Carolina—1665

meane time to be kept in safe custody till the pleasure of ye Lords be knowne.

6. Item in case of death or other removall of any of the representatives within the yeare to issue summons by writt to ye respective division or divisions for which he or they were chosen comanding the freeholders of ye same to chuse others in their steade;

7. Item to make warrants and to seale Grants of Land according to theis our Concessions and the prescriptions by ye advice of ye Genll Assembly in such forme as shalbe at large set down in our Instrucons to ye Governor in his Comission and which are hereafter expressed.

8. Item to act and doe all other thing or things yt may conduce to ye safety peace and well Government of ye said Countyes as they shall see fitt soe as they be not contrary to ye Lawes of ye Countyes aforesaid;

For the better security of the proprietyes of all the Inhabitants.

1. Item they are not to impose nor suffer to be imposed any tax Custome Subsidy Tallage Assessment or any other duty wtsoever upon any Culler or pretence upon ye sd County or Countyes and the Inhabitants thereof other then what shalbe imposed by ye Authority and consent of ye Generall Assembly and then only in manner as aforesaid;

2. They are to take care ye land quietly held planted and possessed seaven yeares after its bing first duely surveyed by the Surveyor Generall or his order shall not be subject to any review resurvey or alteration of bounds on wt pretence soever or by any of us or any officrs or Ministers under us.

3. Item they are to be taken care yt noe man if his Catle straye range or graze on any ground wthin the sd Countyes not actually appropryated or sett out to particuler persons shalbe lyable to pay any trespass for ye same to us our heires &c Provided yt Custome of Comons be not thereby pretended to; nor any person hindred from taking up and appropriating any Lands soe grazed upon and yt noe person purposely doe suffer his Catle to graze on such land.

4. It is our will and desire that ye Inhabitants of the said Countyes and adventurers theither shall enjoye all the same Immunityes from Customes for exporting certine goods from these Realmes of England &c theither as ye Kinge hath been graciously pleased to graunt to us as alsoe for ye Incorragement of the Manufactrs of wine silke oyle ollives fruite almonds &c. menconed in the pattent have priveledge for bringing them Custome free into any of his Majties dominions for ye same time and upon ye same tearmes as we ourselves may by our Pattent.[1]


Charles the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. WHEREAS, by our Letters Patents, bearing date the twenty-fourth day of March, in the

  1. The remaining articles of the Concessions relate to the distribution of land, land titles, etc.
  2. North Carolina Colonial Records, pp. 102–114.