Page:The Federal and state constitutions v5.djvu/287

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North Carolina—1868

any cause, in any of the offices created by this section, the commissioners for the county may appoint to such office for the unexpired term.

Sec. 31. All vacancies occurring in the offices provided for by this article of this constitution shall be filled by the appointment of the governor, unless otherwise provided for; and the appointees shall hold their places until the next regular election.

Sec. 32. The officers elected at the first election held under this constitution shall hold their offices for the terms prescribed for them respectively, next ensuing after the next regular election for members of the general assembly; but their terms shall begin upon the approval of this constitution by the Congress of the United States.

Sec. 33. The several justices of the peace shall have exclusive original jurisdiction, under such regulations as the general assembly shall prescribe, of all civil actions, founded on contract, wherein the sum demanded shall not exceed two hundred dollars, and wherein the title to real estate shall not be in controversy; and of all criminal matters arising within their counties, where the punishment cannot exceed a fine of fifty dollars, or imprisonment for one month. When an issue of fact shall be joined before a justice, on demand of either party thereto, he shall cause a jury of six men to be summoned, who shall try the same. The party against whom judgment shall be rendered in any civil action may appeal to the superior court from the same, and, if the judgment shall exceed twenty-five dollars, there may be a new trial of the whole matter in the appellate court; but if the judgment shall be for twenty-five dollars or less, then the case shall be heard in the appellate court only upon matters of law. In all cases of a criminal nature, the party against whom judgment is given may appeal to the superior court, where the matter shall be heard anew. In all cases brought before a justice, he shall make a record of the proceedings, and file the same with the clerk of the superior court for his county.

Sec. 34. When the office of justice of the peace shall become vacant, otherwise than by expiration of the term, and in case of a failure by the voters of any district to elect, the clerk of the superior court for the county shall appoint to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.

Sec. 35. In case the office of clerk of a superior court for a county shall become vacant, otherwise than by the expiration of the term, and in case of a failure by the people to elect, the judge of the superior court for the county shall appoint to fill the vacancy until an election can be regularly held.

Article V

revenue and taxation

Section 1. The general assembly shall levy a capitation-tax on every male inhabitant of the State over twenty-one and under fifty years of age, which shall be equal, on each, to the tax on property valued at three hundred dollars in cash. The commissioners of the several counties may exempt from capitation-tax in special cases, on account of poverty and infirmity, and the State and county capitation-tax combined shall never exceed two dollars on the head.