Page:The Federal and state constitutions v5.djvu/547

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This being given to the Foreman, the rest of the Inquest shall be attested thus, by three at a time, viz:

The same attestation that your Foreman hath taken on his part, you will well and truly keep on your parts.

The form of the attest to be given to the Traverse Jury, by four at a time, shall be thus, viz:

You solemnly promise that you will well and truly try the issue of traverse between the lord the King, and A. B. whom you have in charge, according to your evidence.

In civil causes, thus, viz:

You solemnly promise that you will well and truly try the issue between A. B. plaintiff, and C. D. defendant, according to your evidence.

Provided always, and it is hereby intended, that no person shall be, by this act, excused from swearing, who, by the acts of parliament, for trade and navigation, are, or shall be required to take an oath.

And, that elections may not be corruptly managed, on which the good of the government so much depends, Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all elections of the said representatives shall be free and voluntary, and that the electors, who shall receive any reward, or gift, for giving his vote, shall forfeit his right to elect for that year; and such person or persons, as shall give, or promise, any such reward to be elected, or that shall offer to serve for nothing, or for less wages than the law prescribes, shall be thereby rendered incapable to serve in Council, or Assembly, for that year; and the representatives so chosen, either for Council or Assembly, shall yield their attendance accordingly, and be the sole judges of the regularity, or irregularity of the elections of their respective Members; and if any person, or persons, chosen to serve in Council, or Assembly, shall be wilfully absent from the service, he or they are so chosen to attend, or be deceased, or rendered incapable, then, and in all such cases, it shall be lawful for the Governor, within ten days after knowledge of the same, to issue forth a writ to the Sheriff of the county, for which the said person, or persons, were chosen, immediately to summons the freemen of the same to elect another member in the room of such absent, deceased, or incapable person or persons; and in case any Sheriff shall misbehave himself, in the management of any of the said elections, he shall be punished accordingly, at the discretion of the Governor and Council, for the time being.

Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That every member now chosen, or hereafter to be chosen, by the freemen as aforesaid, to serve in Council, and the Speaker of the Assembly, shall be allowed five shillings by the day, during his and their attendance; and every Member of Assembly shall be allowed four shillings by the day, during his attendance on the service of the Assembly; and that every Member of Council and Assembly shall be allowed towards their traveling charges after the rate of two pence each mile, both going to, and coming from, the place, where the Council and Assembly is, or shall be, held; all which sums shall be paid yearly out of the county levies, by the county receivers respectively.

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor, or his Deputy, shall always preside in the Council, and that he shall, at no time, perform any public act of state whatsoever, that