Page:The Federal and state constitutions vol1.djvu/22

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List of Authorities


History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States of America. 2 vols. George Bancroft. New York: 1882.

A History of the United States. 6 vols. George Bancroft. New York: 1883-1885.


The History of New Hampshire. Jeremy Belnap. 3 vols. Boston: 1742. Appendix [documentary].


Political Science and Constitutional Law. 2 vols. J. W. Burgess. New York: 1890.


Report of the Debates in the Convention of California on the Formation of the State Convention in September and October, 1849. By J. Ross Browne. Washington: 1850. 479 pp. App.

Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of California. Convention at the city of Sacramento, Saturday, September 28, 1878. E. B. Willis and P. K. Stockton, ofHcial stenographers. Sacramento: 1880. 3 vols. 4°. 640, 512, 425 pp.

California Historical Society. Papers and Publications.


A Collection of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. George Chalmers. 2 vols. London: 1790.


Guide to the Study of American History. Edward Channing and Albert Bushnell Hart. Boston: 1903.


For data in re The formation of the Articles of Confederation, consult the writings of John Adams, Franklin, John Dickinson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton.


Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress. 4 vols. Boston: 1821.


The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut (1636-1776). James Hammond Trumbull and Charles J. Hoodly. Hartford: 1850-1890.

New Haven [Conn.] Colony Historical Society. Papers.

Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates convened at Hartford, August 26, 1818, for the Purpose of Forming a Constitution of Civil Government for the People of the State of Connecticut. Printed by Order of the General Assembly. Hartford: 1873. 121 pp.

Historical Notes of the Constitutions of Connecticut, 1639-1818, particularly on the Origin and Progress of the Movement which Resulted in the Convention of 1818 and the Adoption of the Present Constitution. By J. Hammond Trumbull. Hartford: 1873. 60 pp.

Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Adontion of the First Constitution of the State of Connecticut. By the Connecticut Historical Society and the Towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield. Thursday, January 24, A. D. 1889. Hartford, Conn.: 1889. 98 pp.

Journal of the Constitutional Convention of Connecticut 1002 Hartford 1902: 493 pp.

Preliminary Journal of the Constitutional Convention of Connecticut. 467 pp. Hartford: 1902.

Collected Documents of the Constitutional Convention of Connecticut Hartford: 1902.

Printed Resolutions, Constitutional Convention of Connecticut. Hartford: 1902.

Connecticut Historical Society. Papers.