Page:The Female-Impersonators 1922 book scan.djvu/134

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Female-Impersonators Gifted.

ear. Bright young men brought up in a New York foreign colony acquire a score of the commonest expressions in several languages.

"I miei amici, siete amati da me," I next declared in a third language.

"Pee-an-gou, savez? We don't understand Dago, Jennie. Tell us in American how much you love us."

I reply in Spanish: "Esto es lo mejor que podemos hacer. Hablemos ingles."

"Bert, Jennie seems to be a bright fellow—or girl—doesn't she? All these impersonators seem to be brainy. Jennie, I don't know whether to call you a fellow or a girl. Which is proper?"

"Girl, of course," I replied with a smile.

"Well, fellows, Jennie" June is part he and part she. He wears trousers, but she has breasts just like a woman and wants us fellows to regard her as a girl."

"Well, Jennie, if you are a girl, why do you wear breeches? And why don't you let your hair grow long?"

"Because I have the misfortune to be only part girl. I am only a girl incarnated in a boy's body. But besides my girl's mind, my entire body is shaped very much like a girl's and I possess her bone and muscular systems. Because I am part boy, the law prohibits to me my natural or instinctive apparel. But you will be so kind as to overlook my not appearing before you in gown and picture hat, won't you? I will make up for that lack by outwomaning woman in my actions. It is my nature to give up all I have, and do all I can, for the entertainment of heroes—as you manly fellows seem to be."