Page:The Feminist Movement - Snowden - 1912.djvu/107

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to be found everywhere lifting up their voices against the social system that permits the creation of a class of slave-women for the selfish indulgence of the worst vices of men; and still more against the false teaching of the past, which has sought to excuse the failings of uncontrolled men by the false doctrine of physical needs. The woman-doctor stands for purity and self-control, whether in man or woman, for she knows that only in that way lies the health of the generations unborn.



Contemporary with the struggle for education and for the opening of the liberal professions to women, there has been a large increase in the number and kind of their philanthropic and social activities. British women have the reputation, on the Continent and elsewhere, of being the first, amongst European women at least, to recognise their obligations to the poor and needy. If this be true it is an honourable distinction, and one of which they are justly entitled to be proud; but whether it be true or not that British women were the first women social reformers, it is