Page:The Feminist Movement - Snowden - 1912.djvu/5

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The Nation's Library.

The outstanding feature of the Nation's Library is specialised information by the most capable and competent authorities, and every subject dealt with is brought right up to the point of its relationship to modern life and thought.

Nothing obsolete finds a place in this series; each book provides ample material for thought in its particular direction and presents knowledge in its most modern dress.

The volumes already issued or in preparation include:—

AVIATION. Claude Grahame-White.
SANE TRADE UNIONISM. W. V. Osborne (of the Osborne Judgment).
INDUSTRIAL GERMANY. William Harbutt Dawson.
EUGENICS: A SCIENCE AND AN IDEAL. Edgar Schuster. M.A. (Oxon.), D.Sc., Fellow of New College, Oxford, sometime Galton Research Fellow in National Eugenics at the University of London.
THE PRACTICAL SIDE OF SMALL HOLDINGS. James Long, Member of Departmental Committee on Small Holdings.
MODERN VIEWS ON EDUCATION. Thiselton Mark, B.Sc., D.Lit., Lecturer on Education in the University of Manchester.
THE CASE FOR RAILWAY NATIONALISATION. Emil Davies (Chairman Railway Nationalisation Society).
THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT. Ethel Snowden (Mrs Philip Snowden).