Page:The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany.djvu/312

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or the great. Because of my rediscovery of Christian Science, and honest efforts (however meagre) to help human purpose and peoples, you may have accorded me more than is deserved, — but 'tis sweet to be remembered.

Lovingly yours,
Mary Baker Eddy.

Pleasant View, Concord, N. H.,
April 22, 1907.

[Concord (N. H.) Daily Patriot]

A Correction

Dear Editor: — In the issue of your good paper, the Patriot, May 21, when referring to the Memorial service of the E. E. Sturtevant Post held in my church building, it read, “It is said to be the first time in the history of the church in this country that such an event has occurred.” In your next issue please correct this mistake. Since my residence in Concord, 1889, the aforesaid Memorial service has been held annually in some church in Concord, N. H.

When the Veterans indicated their desire to assemble in my church building, I consented thereto only as other churches had done. But here let me say that I am absolutely and religiously opposed to war, whereas I do believe implicitly in the full efficacy of divine Love to conciliate by arbitration all quarrels between nations and peoples.

Mary Baker Eddy.

Pleasant View, Concord, N. H.,
May 28, 1907.