Page:The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany.djvu/323

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of many millions. I sympathize with those who mourn, but rejoice in knowing our dear God comforts such with the blessed assurance that life is not lost; its influence remains in the minds of men, and divine Love holds its substance safe in the certainty of immortality. “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men.” (John 1 : 4.)

A Tribute to the Bible

Letter of Thanks for the Gift of a Copy of Martin Luther's Translation into German of the Bible, printed in Nuremberg in 1733

Dear Student: — I am in grateful receipt of your time-worn Bible in German. This Book of books is also the gift of gifts; and kindness in its largest, profoundest sense is goodness. It was kind of you to give it to me. I thank you for it.

Christian Scientists are fishers of men. The Bible is our sea-beaten rock. It guides the fishermen. It stands the storm. It engages the attention and enriches the being of all men.

A Benediction

[Copy of Cablegram]

Countess of Dunmore and Family,

55 Lancaster Gate, West, London, England.

Divine Love is your ever-present help. You, I, and mankind have cause to lament the demise of Lord Dunmore; but as the Christian Scientist, the servant of God and man, he still lives, loves, labors.

Mary Baker Eddy.

Pleasant View, Concord, N. H.,
August 31, 1907.