Page:The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany.djvu/344

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because the truth I have promulgated has separated the tares from the wheat, uniting in one body those who love Truth; because Truth divides between sect and Science and renews the heavenward impulse; because I still hear the harvest song of the Redeemer awakening the nations, causing man to love his enemies; because “blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.”

[Christian Science Sentinel, January 19, 1907]

A Card

The article in the January number of The Arena magazine, entitled “The Recent Reckless and Irresponsible Attacks on Christian Science and its Founder, with a Survey of the Christian Science Movement,” by the scholarly editor, Mr. B. O. Flower, is a grand defence of our Cause and its Leader. Such a dignified, eloquent appeal to the press in behalf of common justice and truth demands public attention. It defends human rights and the freedom of Christian sentiments, and tends to turn back the foaming torrents of ignorance, envy, and malice. I am pleased to find this “twentieth-century review of opinion” once more under Mr. Flower's able guardianship and manifesting its unbiased judgment by such sound appreciation of the rights of Christian Scientists and of all that is right.

Mary Baker Eddy.