Page:The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany.djvu/42

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thing whereto [God, Spirit] sent it.” In the now they brought their tithes into His storehouse. Then, when this bringing is consummated, God will pour them out a blessing above the song of angels, beyond the ken of mortals — a blessing that two millions of love currency will bring to be discerned in the near future as a gleam of reality; not a madness and nothing, but a sanity and something from the individual, stupendous, Godlike agency of man.

[Editorial in Christian Science Sentinel, January 2, 1904]

A few days ago we received a letter from a friend in another city, saying that he had just been informed — and his informant claimed to have good authority for the statement — that the entire amount required to complete The Mother Church building fund had been paid in; consequently further payments or subscriptions were not desired.

Our friend very promptly and emphatically pronounced the story a fabrication of the evil one, and he was entirely right in doing so. If the devil were really an entity, endowed with genius and inspiration, he could not have invented a more subtle lie with which to ensnare a generous and loyal people.

As a matter of fact, the building fund is not complete, but it is in such a healthy state that building operations have been commenced, and they will be carried on without interruption until the church is finished. The rapidity with which the work will be pushed forward necessitates large payments of money, and it is desirable that the contributions to the building fund keep pace with the disbursements.