Page:The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany.djvu/69

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multitude — how great no man can number — to become gladly obedient to law, so that they think rightly or righteously.

No one can change the law of Christian metaphysics, the law of right thinking, nor in any wise alter its effects. It is a forever fact that the meek and lowly in heart are blessed and comforted by divine Love. If the proud are lonely and uncomforted, it is because they have thoughts adverse to the law of love. Pride, arrogance, and self-will are unmerciful, and so receive judgment without mercy; but the law of metaphysics says, “Blessed are the merciful,” and will allow no one to escape that blessedness, howsoever far he may stray, whatsoever lawlessness of hatred he may practise and suffer from.

So we see that Christian Science makes no compromise with evil, sin, wrong, or imperfection, but maintains the perfect standard of truth and righteousness and joy. It teaches us to rise from sentimental affection which admires friends and hates enemies, into brotherly love which is just and kind to all and unable to cherish any enmity. It brings into present and hourly application what Paul termed “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus,” and shows man that his real estate is one of blessedness. Why should any one postpone his legitimate joy, and disregard his lawful inheritance, which is “incorruptible and undefiled”? Our Leader and teacher not only discovered Christian Science, but through long years of consecration has obeyed its every demand, for our sakes as well as for her own; and we begin to understand how illimitable is the Love which supports such selfless devotion, we begin to comprehend the “beauty of holiness,” and