Page:The Flora of British India Vol 3.djvu/28

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20 Lxxv. RUBUCEiE. (J. D. Hooker.) Calyx-limb elongate 4-lobed, flowers in spikes, testa grooved 53. Scyphostachts. Calyx calyculate, limb truncate or 4-5-lobed, flowers fascicled, rarely cymose 54. Diplospoba. Series B. Ovules 2 in each cell (ovary 2-celled). See also 63. Dtplospora. (Genera of uncertain affinity.) Corolla-lobes twisted, ovules inserted together half-way up the cell, 1 pendulous, 1 erect 55. Scyphiphoea. Corolla-lobes valvate, ovules erect on the top of an erect basilar placenta 56. Jackia. Series 0. Ovules solitary in each cell. (See also 3. Cephalanthus, 18 AUceophania, 19. Fergus&nia, 20. Hedyotu, 21. Oldenlandia and 41. Wehera.) SuBSERiES a. Radicle superior. Tribe VII. Guettardeee. Corolla-lobes imbricate or valvate in bud. Stamens inserted on the mouth of the corolla. Fruit drupaceous with 2-many free or cohering pyrenes. Seeds cylindric ; albumen scanty or 0. Corolla imbricate, calyx-limb deciduous .. = .... 57. Gtuettarda. Corolla imbricate, calyx-limb persistent 58. Antibhhoea. Corolla valvate, calyx-limb cupular, ovary 4-1 2-celled . . 59. Timonius. Corolla valvate, calj-x 6-toothed, corolla cxu-ved 2-lipped, ovary 2-celIed . ' 60. Dichilanthe. Tribe VIII. BLnozleae. Corolla-lobes valvate in bud. Stamens inserted on the mouth of the corolla. Fruit of 2-cocci. Seeds dorsally compressed. - Albumen copious, herbs, fruit very small 61. Knoxia. Tribe IX. Alberteae. Corolla-lobes twisted in bud. Stamens inserted in the mouth of the corolla. Ovary 1 -celled with 1-2 pendulous ovules, or 2-00 -celled with 1 ovule in each cell. Corolla campanulate, style 8-grooved, ovary 1-celled, 1-2-ovuled 62. Octotropis. Tribe X. Vang'uerlesB. CoroWa-/o6es valvate in bud. «S^ame?is inserted in the mouth of the coroUa. Drupe with 2-many free or cohering pyrenes. Seeds various ; albumen copious. Ovary 2-celled, stipviles equal 63. CANTHitJM. Ovary 3-5-celled, stipules eqial 64. Vakqxjeria. Ovary 2-celled, one stipule very large 65. Mesoptbea. Subserees /3. Radicle inferior. Tribe XI. Xzoreee. Corolla-lobes twisted in bud. Ovary 2-4-celled ; ovules usually inserted about the middle of the cell, rarely basilar. Fruit a 2-4-celled beny or drupe with 2-4 free or united pyrenes. Seeds usually plano-convex. Flowers panicled or corymbose, bracts coriaceous not sheathing 66. Ixoba. Flowers panicled or corymbose, bracts membranous lower sheathing 67. Pavbtta. Flowers axillary fascicled or solitary 68. Coffea. Tribe XII. MorindesB. Corolla-lobes valvate in bud. Stamens inserted in the mouth or throat of the corolla. Ovules usually inserted below the middleRutaceae