Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/408

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de Portugal, Italia y Francia," by A. Machado y Álvarez, to be continued; and "Superstitiones populares recojidas en Andolucia y comparadas con los portuguesas," by A Guichot y Sierra, also to be continued. There is an Introduction by Sr. D. Machado y Álvarez. Sr. Mototo begins with "El corral de casa," goes on to "El corral de vecinos," giving a most graphic account of the houses in which the people live, their mode of living, then something about their plays, their drinking customs, their festivals, their baptisms, marriages, and deaths, in nine chapters. The second part consists of twelve folk-tales. The third part gives the popular superstitions of Andalusia. They are classified, and each superstition is numbered; and when there is a similar one prevalent in Portugal or in Castile it is added. If the work is carried out as it has been begun it will form a complete cyclopedia of Spanish folk-lore. It can be recommended to all students of folk-lore, and is indispensable to them. The work is got up with neatness.

Sr. D. Machado y Álvarez is now publishing in the Spanish newspaper, El Progreso, Madrid, a series of articles on the folk-lore of colours, under the title "Folk-lore de los colores." It is to be hoped the learned author will at no distant date issue the articles in book form. He has translated into Spanish Mr. Fenton's article, "Folk-lore in relation to Psychology and Education" (Folk-Lore Journal, pp. 258-266) for insertion in El Boletin de la Institucion libre de Enseñanza.

The Folk-Tale Committee have decided to recommend certain of the tabulations now in hand for printing in the Journal. These are now being examined, and it is hoped that next year we may begin printing. More workers are still required in this important work, though the Committee are bound to acknowledge that the work already sent in and in hand has quite come up to expectation.

A meeting of the Society will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 14th, at 8 o'clock, at 22, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, when Mr. Edward Clodd will read a paper on "The Philosophy of Punchkin," and Mr. W. G. Black one on "An Additional Chapter in Folk-Medicine."