Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 5 1887.djvu/184

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The next meeting of the Society will be held at 22, Albemarle Street, on Friday, 22nd April next, at eight o'clock, to consider draft proof of the three first sections of the Handbook to Folk-Lore, now being prepared by Mr. Gomme. These sections are: i. What folk-lore is; ii. Superstitions connected with great natural objects; iii. Superstitions connected with trees and plants. Members wishing for proofs before the meeting should apply to Mr. Foster. Other meetings will follow to consider the remaining sections of the handbook.

The annual meeting was held on the 25th March, the President, the Earl of Strafford, in the chair. The rule fixing the number of the Council at twelve was altered, increasing the number to twenty. By this means the Society is able to have on its Council some of its distinguished foreign members as well as lady members. Miss Burne has kindly accepted office as a member of Council. A hearty vote of thanks to the President and to Mr. Foster closed the proceedings.