Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 5 1887.djvu/373

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Card table superstitions, 218

Carrington estate, Barbadoes, songs sung by negroes on, 5-10

Castle Treryn, tradition of rock known as, 104

Cat, omen of ill-luck from death of, 195

Cataract, charm for cure of, Cornwall, 199

Cattle, superstitions connected with cures for, Cornwall, 194, 195

——— disease, cure for, in Donegal, 332

"Cedar bush," belief in healing powers of, 315

Celts, characteristics of, possessed by Cornish people, 85

Ceylon birds, folk-lore of, 352

Chair, witches', found at Wellington, Somersetshire, 2

Chance, games of, played by Cornish boys, 59

Changelings, belief in, in China, 225; in Cornwall, 181

Charles I, traditions of events occurring at execution of, 102-103

Charm, Latin, discovered, 264

Charms for bringing back faithless husband, 73-74

——— to bring back children carried off by fairies, 184

——— used at birth of Chinese children, 223

——— for removal of "evil eye," 193-194

——— worn as preventives of evil eye, Cornwall, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200

———against cholera, 10

Children, Chinese, superstitions about, 127-129

———— Cornish superstitions connected with, 207-213

———— Antrim, 333

———— Donegal, 331-332

———— unbaptised, said to become fairies when dead, 182

Chinese, birth, marriage, and death rites of the, 221 245

——— legends, 124-127; superstitions, 127-129

Cholera, copper worn as preventive of, 10

Chough, Cornish, omen from killing a, 87

Christ and the spider, legend of, 89

Christening customs, Cornish, 208-209

Christmas-day custom in Yorkshire, 74

Christmas holidays, game played, in Donegal, 332

Church, bread from communion table carried round, 198

Churches, early Christian, dancing in, 300-305

City, buried, tradition of in Cornwall, 95

"Cloghcom," legend of stone called, Ireland, 334

Cloncha, Donegal, customs in, 332-333

Clothes injured by crickets, Irish superstition, 69

——— given to pixies by owner of house cause of departure, 179

Clouston (W. A.): on Two Folk-tales of South Pacific, 254-257

Club-dance performed at Belgaum, 249, 250, 253; represented in sculpture, in Madras Presidency, 253

Club-moss, cure for eye diseases, 203

Cock, crowing of, omen of ill-luck among aboriginal Formosa, 150

—— comb of, cut in honour of hill spirit at Chinese funerals, 244

"Cock-haw," Cornish boys' game, 61

Colic, superstitious cures for, 265

Colles (Dr. A.): on Witches' ladder found in Somersetshire, 1-5

Colombo, superstition connected with building at, 260-261

Colours used by Chinese as mourning, 239, 242

Colt, changing of witch to, 161

Combs or glasses of mermaids sign of luck to finder, 180

Conjuring feats performed by Aïssaoua Arabs, 289

Conerton, manor custom at, 111

Copper worn by negroes in Barbary as charm, 10

Coppinger, the Cornish smuggler, 19

Cosquin (E.): Contes Populaires de Lorraine comparées avec les Contes des autres pays de France, reviewed, 75-77

Cornish folk-lore, 14-61, 85-112,117-220, 324-327

——— "counting-out" rhymes, 48-49

——— games, 46-61

"Cornish pebble," Tol-men known as, 31

Corns, Irish plant cure for, 13

Cornwall stone, near Godolphin, meeting place, 22

Cottrell, tradition connected with, 33

Council, ninth annual report of, 359-360

"Counting-out" rhymes, Cornish, 48-49, 325