Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 5 1887.djvu/375

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Dress of Spanish dancers, 298 ; of Romish priests called Salii, 300

" Drop the handkerchief," Cornish children's game, 52

Dropsj, Irish cure for, 11

Drowning, aversion to save persons from in China, 236

superstitions connected with,

Coniish, 190

Druidical monuments, unlucky to re- move in Cornwall, 91

Dublin, folk-medicine used by pea- santry in, 11-13

" Ducking chair " used in Scilly Isles, 45

Ducks, Cornish superstitions about, 193

Duel, to decide between the Romish ritual and that of the Gothic church, 302

Ears of boys pierced by Chinese • mothers, 129

Earrings, superstitious belief about, 214 Easter observances, hare connected

with, 263 Easter Tuesday, Greek festival held

on, 292 Eatables supplied for spirit of departed

in China, 241, 243, 244 " Eating the long fast," Chinese

custom, 225-226 Echternach, Luxemburg, dancing pro- cession to, 303 Edgecumbe (Sir R.), tradition of, 33 Egan, (F. W.)> on Irish folJi-medicine,

11-13 Eggs, auguries by, among hill-tribes of

Assam, 274 Egypt, religious and secular dances of,

283-286 " Ekke Nekkepenn," Friesland folk- tale, 335-338 Elixir, used as charm, Cornwall, 194 Epilepsy, charms for cure of, 206 Erisey manor-house, story connected

with, 21 Erysipelas, Cornish local name for,

202 ; charm for cure of, 202 Europe, religious dances of 300-305 ;

in South Italy, 305-311 ; in the High

Alps, 312-314 " Evil eye," belief in, in Cornwall, 194 " Evil eye " and evil tongue, Shetland,

261 Evil spirits, charms to propitiate, in

Guiana, 321 Eyes, superstitions connected with, 219

Eves, diseases of, charms for cure of, 203-204, 205

Face, superstitions connected with the,

219 Fairies of Cornwall, 177-186

of aboriginal Formosa, 143

in Irish legend, 67

dancing of, 98

music by, belief in, 156-157

half-witted people become, by

death, 179

unlucky to call by name, 177

sepulchral monuments under

the care of, 333

— - — in folk tales, theory as to, 347 Fairy-tales, modern origin of, 339-351 Family history, Cornish, 35, 36

Fan used at marriage ceremony in

China, 234 Fan dance of Spain, 296 Fanners, superstitious beliefs of, 192,

193 Feathers interwoven with rope in

Avitches' ladder, 3, 81-84 Feathers, birds', superstition about, 217 chickens', used in African

sorcery, 258 Fermanagh, Ireland, customs in, 333 Fern, symbol of conjugal life among

Japanese, 155 Fiji folk- tales, 254-257 Finnish folk-stories, review of, 162-167 Fire, ordeal by, practised in Cornwall,


superstitions about, 219 ; protec- tion from, 220

Fish, superstition connected with, Corn- wall, 188 Fishing affected by burial of suicide

in sight of sea, 160 Flatulence, Irish plant cure for, 12 Flavel, Thomas, Cornish ghost layer,

stories of, 23-24 Flore Qce, witches' ladder found at,

257-259 Fly-catcher bird of Paradise, legend

of, 353 Folk-lore and the Folk-Lore Society,

some simple methods of promoting,

62-65 Folk-medicine in Ireland, 11-13 Folk-tales of Fiji Islands, 254-257 ; of

North Friesland, 335-338; of South

Pacific, 254-257 ; see "Legends"

tabulation of, 70

Food, superstitious beliefs about,

Guiana, 318