Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 5 1887.djvu/377

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Hereford, custom in, 75

Herons, Malay traditions about, 330

Highland superstition, 159-161

Hill spirits, prayers and sacrifices made to, at Chinese funerals, 244-245

Hill tribes of Assam, dance executed by, 273-276

Himalayas, secular and religious dances in the, 277-283

Hindu women, dance performed by, 253-254

Hole in the ground, form of oath among the Somali tribe, 323

" Hole in the wall, Cornish children's game, 51

Holed stones, Cornish, 31 ; Scilly Isles, 40

Holes left in walls of houses for fairies, 182

Holy wells in Cornwall, 45, 90-94

Home-bringing of bride, part of mar- riage ceremony in China, 226

Hooper, spirit called, Cornish, 98

Horn-blowing, used to frighten evil spirits, in Guiana, 320

Hornbill, Ceylon superstition about, 354

— — Malay traditions about, 329-


Horse, superstitious cures for, 195

Horse-shoe, sign of luck in Cornwall, 187

Horses, headless, tradition of, at Pen- zance, 107 ; at Penrhyn, 107

House, pig's nose thrown over, Corn- wall, 195

House-leek, cure for corns, 13

"House with the Belvedere," Forbidden Door story, 113-114

Houses, holes left in walls of, in Corn- wall, 182

Human sacrifices, building supersti- tions connected with, 260-261

Huntsmen and dogs, tradition of ap- pearance of, Cornwall, 105

Idiot children under protection of mermaid, 190

Idols informed of deaths in China, 240

Illness, superstition connected with, 192

Image of dough, used as charm, Corn- wall, 194

Incidents in folk- tales, theory as to, 343

India, Southern, religious and secular dances of, 246-254

Vol. 5. — Part 4.

Indian Notes and Queries, 79-80 Indigestion, Irish plant cures for, 12, 13 Innes (N. G. M.; : on Birth, Marriage, and Death rites of the Chinese, 221-245 " Introduction song," Barbadoes negro

song, 5 Irish folk-lore, 66-68, 71-73, 331-335

. folk-medicine, 11-13

Iron pyrites, cure for wounds in Corn- wall, 188 .

smelting superstition, 352

Italy, South, religious dance in, .305-3 11 Itching, superstitious omens from, 219

"Jack and the Giants," Fiji folk-tale resembling, 254-255

"Jack and the Bean Stalk," Fiji folk- tale resembling, 256-257

Janshah, story of. Forbidden Door story, 113, 116-120

Japanese new-year decorations, 154-156

Jaundice, charm for cure of, 207

" Jew," Cornish name for field-beetle, 89

Jew-fish, West Indies, superstition con- nected with, 315

"Joggle along," Cornish children's game, 57

John of Gaunt, tradition connected with, 85

" Johnny Huntsman," American child- ren's game, 137

" Jolly Miller," Cornish children's game, 57

Kamman, game of ball called, Donegal,

3.32 Kerrisroundago, Druidical remains

called, 106 Kettle, boiling of, saying about, 207 Killuken, Roscommon customs in, 333-

334 Kilmactige, Sligo, maiTiage and funeral

customs in, 334-335 " Kimbly," local name for offering at

christenings in Cornwall, 208 Kinahan (G. H.): on Coi'nish folk-lore,

324-327; on Irish folk-lore, 11-13;

on St. Patrick and the devil, 71 King (Capt. J. S.): on Notes on the

folk-lore and some social customs of

the western Somali tribes, 322-324 King's evil Irish plant cure for, 13 "Kingdom coming," negro soug, 132-


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