Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 6 1888.djvu/266

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and it has been told me that I shall obtain the vine if I procure the golden apple-tree for the lord of the vine. And the lord of the golden apple-tree said if I procured him the golden horse he would give me the golden apple-tree. And I came from him to take away the golden horse, that I might give the golden horse for the golden apple-tree, and the golden apple-tree for the vine; to take it home and give it my father, that he may weep no more." The lord said: "Good; if it is so, I will give you my golden horse if you procure me the golden damsel in her cradle, who has never yet seen either the sun or the moon, so that her face is not tanned." And the simpleton said: "I will procure you the golden damsel, but you must give me your golden horse, on which to seek the golden damsel and bring her to you. And a golden horse properly appertains to a golden damsel." The lord: "And how will you guarantee that you will return to me again?" The simpleton: "Behold! I swear to you by my father's eyesight that I will return to you again, and either bring the horse, if I do not find the damsel; or give you the damsel, if I find her, for the horse." To this the lord agreed, and gave him the golden horse. He bridled it with the golden bridle, and came outside to the fox. The fox was impatiently expecting him to know what had happened.

The fox: "Well, have you obtained the horse?" The simpleton: "I have; but on condition that I procure for him the golden damsel in her cradle, who has never yet seen the sun or the moon, so that her face is not tanned. But, if you know what need is, good friend in the world, say whether she is anywhere, and whether you know of such a damsel." The fox said: "I know where the damsel is, only follow me." He followed, and they came to a large cavern. Now the fox said: "There the damsel is. You will go into that cavern, deep into the earth. You will pass the watches as before. In the last chamber lies the golden damsel in a golden cradle. By the damsel stands a huge spectre, which says: 'No! No! No!' Now, don't be at all afraid, it cannot do anything to you in anywise; but her wicked mother has placed it beside her daughter, that no one may venture to approach her to take her away. And the damsel is impatiently waiting to be released and freed from her mother's cruelty. When you come back with the damsel in the cradle, push all the