Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/191

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[No. 3.]

Title of Story.—The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.

Dramatis personæ.— Goat.—Seven kids.—Wolf.—Shopkeeper.—Baker.—Millcr.

Abstract of Story.—(1) An old goat, starting into the forest to fetch food, calls her seven little kids to caution them against wolf. Goes on her way.—(2) Wolf knocks at house-door for admission, pretending to be mother-goat. Kids reply that such rough voice is wolf's, and unlike their mother's.—(3) Wolf goes to buy lump of chalk to soften voice; returns and knocks at door; but his black paws betray him.—(4) Wolf goes to baker, and has his feet rubbed over with dough; then to a miller and asks for white meal. Threatens to devour miller unless he whitens his paws. Wolf goes third time, and pretends to be mother returning with presents for kids, who, being satisfied at sight of white paws, open door and admit him.—(5) They are terrified, and hide: 1st, under table; 2nd, in bed; 3rd, in stove; 4th, in kitchen; 5th, in cupboard; 6th, under washing-bowl; 7th, in clock-case. Wolf finds all except the 7th, swallows them, and goes to sleep under tree.—(5) Goat returns, sees door wide open, house in disorder, and cannot find children. Youngest kid answers from clock-case, and tells fate of others.—(7) Goat and youngest kid go out together, find wolf asleep under tree, and notice kids moving inside his body. Youngest kid fetches scissors, needle, and thread; mother goat cuts open wolf's stomach, and sews big stones in it in place of kids, who spring out alive.—(8) Wolf wakes up, goes to well to drink, but stones inside overbalance him, and he is drowned. Kids and mother rejoice.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Artful impersonation, threefold, of goat by wolf (2) (3) (4).
Cautioning kids against wolf (1).
Chalk, wolf softens his voice with (3).
Cutting open sleeping beast (7).
Hiding of kids from wolf (5).
Intimidation of miller by wolf (4).
Overbalanced, wolf, by weight of stones (8).
Search for kids by mother (6).
Stones substituted for kids inside wolf (7).
Swallowing alive of kids (5).
Wolf, artfulness of (2) (3) (4)

Where published.—Grimm's Household Tales. London, 1884. Tale No 5, vol. i., pp. 20-23.

'Nature of Collection, whether:—

1. Original or translation.—Translation by Margaret Hunt.

2. If by word of month state narrator's name.

3. Other particulars.