Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/306

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berries, and ever bewailing the loss of his dearest wife, till at last he reaches the desert where Eapunzel dwells in wretchedness with the twins, a boy and girl, to which she has given birth. He hears a loved familiar voice, and on his approach Rapunzel falls on his neck, weeping. Two tears touch his eyes, and sight is restored. He leada her to his kingdom, where long happiness attends them.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Enchantress demands child when its father robs her garden (2).

Hair, ladder of (3).

King's son discovers Rapunzel in desert (7).

King's son enters tower, and marries Rapunzel (4).

King's son falls from tower, and blinded by thorns (6).

Ladder of Rapunzel's golden hair by which enchantress climbs to tower (3).

Rapunzel loses hair, and is driven to desert (5).

Sight restored by Rapunzel's tears (7).

Silken ladder woven for princess's release (4).

Where published— Grimm's Household Tales. London, 1884. Tale No. 12, vol. i. pp. 50-54.

Nature of Collection, whether:—

1. Original or translation. — Translation by Margaret Hunt.

2. If ly word of mouth state narrator's name.

3. Other jjarticulars.

Special Points noted by the Editor of the above.—See Author's notes,

vol. i. p. 353. Remarks by the Tabulator— For variants of the above cf. Crane, Italian Popular Tales, pp. 26-30, " The Fair Angiola." Pitre, No. 20. Penta- merone, ii. 1. Pomiglianesi, pp. 121, 130, 136, 188, 191. Busk, Folklore of Rome, p. 3; and for other Italian versions, see Crane, p. 334. Ralston, Russian FolUales, p. 141. Basque Legends, p. 59. Portuguese Tales, Folklore Society, No. 2.

For inc. 2 (child promised to ogre, demon, &c.), see Campbell, Nos. 2, 4. Crane, op. cit., 136-147, and note, p. 351. Dasent, Norse Tales, p. 181. Grimm, Nos. 31, "The Girl without hands;" 55, " Rumpelstiltskin ;" 92, "The King of the Golden Mountain; " and 181, "The Nix of the Mill Pond." Hahn, Griechisehe Mdrchen, i. p. 47, No. 8; also Nos. 4, 5, 54, 68. Magyar Folhtales, pp. 189, 397. Ralston, Russian Fulldales, pp. 124, 132, 133, 135. Romania, No. 28, p. 531, Pitre, No. 31. Schleicher, Litanisehe Mdrchen, No. 26, p. 75. Schott, Nos. 2, 15. " Widter-Wolf ," No. xiii. ; and the various versions of "Liombruno" (see^ Crane, pp. 136- 147, and note, p. 351).

For inc. 3 (hair ladder), see Pomiglianesi, p. 126. Crane, pp. 3, 27, 72, 83.

(Signed) Marian Roalfe Cox.