Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/372

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was fixed, and the reapers began. Skellater's reapers were soon left far behind. Old Janet appeared on the field and took the place of one of Skellater's reapers in the "kemp" (contest). Before she began work she turned three times round against the course of the sun, crying out, "Black nickie, you and me; and di'd tack the hinmost." The laird whose reapers were foremost in the "kemp " was standing behind them with his ^ace turned towards the sun. The devil in passing caught his shadow instead of himself, and he was ever after shadowless.

4. The Witch of Badachallach; or Jeanie Marae Alise.

(A) This woman, famed as a witch, was one day during a year of great scarcity passing a neighbouring farm. She observed the ploughman lying on the ground behind the plough. Going to him she asked what was the matter with him. He told her he was unable to stand from want of "meat," i.e. food. "Oh! peer (poor) man," said she, "I'll gee (give) you meat." So saying, she sat down, gathered together her apron as if in the form of a "milking cog," and repeated the words: "Froh (froth), milk, froh, milk, black stick, you an me, froh, milk." She then bade the man bring her a handful of mould from between the coulter and the sock. The man did as he was bidden. She took the mould from him, and dropped it slowly from her hand into her apron among the "froh milk." She gave the man the dish, apparently so prepared, for "meat." (Corgarff.)

(B) During another bad year a man was ploughing near a birch wood in the neighbourhood of the witch's house. He saw a fine roe grazing in the wood. He hurried home for his gun, and stalked the animal very carefully till within range. On looking up to take aim he saw no roe, but Jeanie gathering the dew into her apron.

(C) a farmer had for several evenings noticed a fine fat hare eating his briard. On more than one occasion he had shot at the animal but without hitting her. One evening he loaded his gun with a sixpence having a cross on it. He fired, the shot took effect, away rushed the hare, and disappeared down the "lum" (wooden