Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/379

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[Contributed to the Derbyshire Advertiser by George Hibbert.]

A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse.
Afore I'd do that, I'd run my yed atween Will Shore's two trees on Oaker. [Oaker Hill is on the west side of Darley Dale. Two trees on the top of it are said to mark the site of a fratricide, and can be seen for a long distance. Cf. "An Attempt at a Derbyshire Glossary," by J. Sleigh, in the Reliquary for 1865.]
All awry like Dick's hatband.
As bug [?] as bull-beef.
As crooked as Robin Hood's bow. [See Robin Hood below.]
As dear as cinnamon.
As drunk as David's sow.
As hollow as my shoon when my foot's out on't.
As ill scauden as brunt [=it is as bad to be scalded as burnt].
As lazy as Ludlam's dog that laid him down to bark. [Ray.]
As lean as a shot-herring, [how did this saying come so far inland?].
As mony rags as th' parson preaches on.
As merry as a grig.
As near dead as a toucher [?].
As nitle as a tup-maiden [=as smart as a boy who does woman's work].
As pratty as paint.
As right as a trivet.
As safe as Chelsea.
As sound as a roach.
As thin as a grew'nd [greyhound].
As thick as inkle-weavers; or, as two in a bed.
As throng [busy] as Throp's wife; and she hanged hersen in a dish-clout.