Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/466

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gave his foster-mother two bearskins. — (17) Kagsagsuk was now in- vited into the main room. — (18) But he declared he could not get in unless they lifted him over the threshold by his nostrils. None dared to do this but his foster-mother. — (19) All the men were now civil to him. Rejecting all their offers, he sat down as usual on the side ledge. They offered him clothes. — (20) One girl was ordered to fetch water for him. He drew her to him tenderly, but all of a sudden pressed her so hard that blood gushed out of her nostrils. He declared she had burst, but the parents remarked it did not matter.— (21) When the boys came in he crushed some to death, and tore the limbs of others asunder. The parents still kept sayiug it did not matter. — (22) Then Kagsagsuk put to death every one in the house. — (23) Only the poor people who had been kind to him he spared. He then trained himself to the use of the kayak. — (24; He wandered all over the country, to show off his strength. On many places are marks of his great strength! to this day.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Animal, fabulous, helps hero to his strength (8).

Bears, slaughter of, by hero (14).

Bear, body of, used as weapon against enemies (16).

Charm, frost, (14).

Foster-mother (1).

Frost charm (14).

Murder of oppressors by hero (20-22).

Nostrils, extended growth caused by being used for lifting (2).

Oppression of hero (1).

Seal bones, body of hero covered by, and prevents growth (9).

Strength, fabulous animal helps hero to (8).

Wood, carrying of huge block, a feat of hero's strength (12).

Where published. — Rink's Tales and Traditions of Eshimos. No. 1, pp. 93-99.

jjature of Collection, whether:—

«• 1. Original or translation. — Original.

2. If hy word of mouth, state narrator s name. — This tale was constructed

from nine different copies obtained at different places.

3. Other particulars.

Special Points noted by the Editor of the above.— Appears to be a

moral tale bringing forward the idea of a superior power protecting the helpless and avenging mercilessness and cruelty. Details of native life appear in the narrative.

(Signed) G. L. Gomme.