Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/530

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Tabulation of folk-tales, 3, 8-10, 364

Tahitians, non-use of words forming part of sovereign's name, 158

Terry top, Cornish name for Rumpelstiltskin, 144

Thunder god, Mordvin, 71, 78-79

Tien, mystical attributes of the name, 155

Tiger-bunting customs, Coorg, 295

Tip-cat, game of, 234

Titteli Ture, Swedish name for Rumpelstiltskin, 147

Toad superstitions, Scotland, 42

Tom, Tit, Tot, a Suffolk folktale, 188-143

Treasure legends, 313

Tree spirits, Mordvin, 73; New Guinea, 320

—— superstitions, Scotland, 41

Trees, sacred, sacrifices offered at their roots, Mordvins, 66

Trinidad, story from, 161

Truckle the Trencher, game of, 238

Twelfth Night festival, Mordvin, 128

Udal (J. S.), Dorsetshire Children's Games, 202-264

Vargaluska, Dancing, Magyar name for Rumpelstiltskin, 150

Village-god, Mordvin, 71

Virgin, Blessed, Mary, and the Lapwing, tradition of, 57

Votyaks, tribe of the Mordvins, 128-129

Wall flowers, game of, 214

Wasps, objections to, Mordvin, 106

Water, divination by, Spain, 174

——, witch's power over, 285

Water-god , Mordvin, 72

——, the personification of evil, Votyak, 128

Water-snake, horse-hair turned into, 317

Water-spirits, evil among the Mordvins, 67, 70

Weather prognostications in rhymes, 249

Wells, miraculous powers of, Wexford, 38; American Indian, 40

Wells and springs, god of, Mordvin, 72

Wexford folklore, 38-40

What are you weeping for, game of, 209

When first we went to school, game of, 218

Whistling at sea, 47

Whorl, stone, kept at mills, in Scotland, 201

Whuppity stoorie, Scottish name for Rumpelstiltskin, 146

Widow's festival, Mordvin, 113-115

Wife-selling, Yorkshire, 318

Winterkobble, Hungarian name for Rumpelstiltskin, 146

Witch, superstitions about, 277-286

——, methods of finding, 279; of undoing work by, 280-282; deeds done by, 282-286

Witch story, Lancashire, GO-61

Witch of Badachallach, 284-286

Witch's tree, Scotland, 41

Witchcraft, punishment of, Aberdeenshire, 176

————, wolves connected with, 55

Woden legends, quoted, 153-154

Wolf, superstitions concerning, Scandinavia, 55

Women, married, festival of, Mordvin, 116-124

———, pregnant, bears believed to attack, 55

Wreck caused by witchcraft, 283

Yellowhammer, rhyme in Aberdeenshire, 175

Yeth hounds, Devonshire, 265

Yorkshire harvest custom, 50

Yorkshire, wife-selling, 318