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Lucia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves The forgotten in the independence process: a history to be made

Almanack, Guarulhos, n. 25, ef00220, 2020

that Court[1]. Thus, he underwent numerous constraints, revealing the transatlantic character of the struggles over the new constitutional and liberal order in political spaces inheriting the old and then partially fragmented “pluricontinental monarchy of Bragança”, in the expression of António Manuel Hespanha[2].

Another example refers to the author of three letters - written in the form of pamphlets, including two in response to the editors of Malagueta and Espelho[3]. He signed his pamphlets as Tresgeminos Cosmopolitas. The most striking and original was the letter entitled “Brazil seen from above: letter to a lady on the issues of time”, published in Rio de Janeiro in 1822. This writing contained two original points: first, it was addressed to a lady and second, he used the artifice of using the balloon to present the situation in Brazil at that time. To José Murilo de Carvalho, an inspiration for the text certainly came from Jacques Garnerin (1769-1823), a French balloonist who caused a sensation when he proposed to take a flight accompanied by his wife[4]. The text mixed a geographical narrative with political postures of a moderate liberal, but who did not show great enthusiasm for democracies. It was a thought-provoking pamphlet that even raised the possibility of danger of racial war in Brazil. Who was Tresgeminos Cosmopolitas? The tradesman José Silvestre Rebello was hiding under this strange name, he was well known since 1824, when he was named to do business in Washington in January with the mission to obtain or use the recognition of Brazil by the United States. The fact was reached in May of the same year, despite their disagreements


  1. Nota de que ... Op. Cit.
  2. HESPANHA, António Manuel (ed.). Poder e instituições na Europa do Antigo Regime. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1984.
  3. COSMOPOLITAS, Tresgeminos. Carta ao redactor da Malagueta. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, [1822]; REBELLO, José. Carta ao redactor do Espelho sobre as questões do tempo. Rio de Janeiro: Tip. Santos & Sousa, 1822.
  4. CARVALHO, José Murilo de. Introdução ao volume I. CARVALHO, José Murilo de; BASTOS, Lucia (MEU NOME NÃO TEM ACENTO); BASILE, Marcello (org.). Guerra literária: panfletos da Independência do Brasil (1820-1823). Vol. 1: Cartas. Belo Horizonte: Editora da UFMG, 2014. p. 69-70.